Simplifying IT and OT Network Security with the ICS360.Defender
The communication flows between a plant’s IT and OT networks are vital to efficient production. When internet threats compromise the security of your Industrial Controls System, the result could easily be more than a minor interruption to plant operations. Whether your plant environment is purely OT or OT/IT convergent, the DYNICS ICS360.Defender platform and product line offers a comprehensive solution to network security. Designed by OT Industry experts, these tools employ a user-friendly, robust interface to effectively safeguard plant floor operations against common cybersecurity issues concerning policy, authorization and access, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and more.
Features & Benefits
- Web interface and wizards offer a quicker configuration than command line interface (CLI)
- Real-time monitoring and historical graphs for easy reporting
- Prevents or limits changes to industrial programming software based on user or policy rules
- Allows for authorized changes without interrupting data flows
- Captive Portal for forced authentication or network access via redirection
Additional Resources
Contact your McNaughton-McKay account manager or visit your local branch to learn more about and test the DYNICS ICS360.Defender product line.